What Could Atrus YOU Build?

By Mike Ando
aka RIUM+

Mysterium 2019
4th August 2019

Who is this guy anyway?
Mike Ando aka riumplus aka RIUM+ standing in front of his DeLorean wearing a labcoat
Who is this guy anyway?
Michael from Beauty and the Geek Australia wearing a Myst shirt

The Riven Journals

The Riven Journals entry Journal 2 of the Riven Journals

25-hour Mechanical D'ni Clock

A Mechanical D'ni clock 1 A Mechanical D'ni clock 2

A real Myst book

A real Myst linking book closed front cover A real Myst linking book open to the first page with the linking panel to the dock playing the game Myst

Much acclaim. Very recognition.

The Smithsonian article on my Myst book My mother's sewing room with one of my pieces of art in it

Let's take a vote!

So what is it?

Surface & D'ni Time Chronometer

(Or for the search engines: an electronic 25 hour Myst clock)

An electronic digital 25-hour D'ni Myst Clock/Chronometer

D'ni Number Primer

D'ni numbers from 1 to 25 and their relationships
25-segment D'ni Digit Digital display module Digital D'ni numbers like a 7-segment display, animated
The different layers to my D'ni Digit Display modules
D'ni digit display module assembled
Block electrical diagram for D'ni digit display
Silkscreen PCB layour for D'ni digit display
Logical component layout for D'ni digit display
Circuit board layout for D'ni digit display
Solder-pasted circuit board layout for D'ni digit display

Hi I'm a tiny LED!

0503 LED size example. They're tiny
Solder-pasted circuit board layout for D'ni digit display
Soldering paste and LEDs zoomed in up-close 1
Soldering paste and LEDs zoomed in up-close 2
Soldering paste and LEDs zoomed in up-close 3
Soldering paste and LEDs zoomed in up-close 4
Soldering paste and LEDs zoomed in up-close 5
Using a frying pan as a DIY circuit board reflow oven


Interesting texture left on a reflow failure circuit board
LED successfully soldered via reflow frying pan

Laser-cutting acrylic light guides

Laser-cutting acrylic light guides
Light sealing gasket over a circuit board
The 5 different layers that make up the D'ni digit display modules
Adding circuit boards to the clock's rear board
3D-printed standoffs for holding up circuit boards

It's part-y time

Assembling and connecting all the parts
Test showing it works like this


Laser-cut box that was auto-generated by www.festi.info/boxes.py
Example microcontrollers - Arduino Uno, Wemos D1 R2, Raspberry Pi 4
Arduino IDE showing the 'blink' sketch

D'ni Time Primer

1 prorahn = ~1.39 seconds

1 gorahn = ~34.8 seconds

1 tahvo = ~14 minutes, 30.5 seconds

1 pahrtahvo = ~1 hour, 12.5 minutes

1 gahrtahvo = ~6 hours, 3 minutes

1 yahr = ~30 hours, 14 minutes

25 prorahn in a gorahn

25 gorahn in a tahvo

5 tahvo in a pahrtahvo

5 pahrtahvo in a gahrtahvo

5 gahrtahvo in a yahr

25 pahrtahvo in a yahr

D'ni year 9647 = 21st of April 1991 at 9:54AM PST (UTC-0700)

Tiny Tangent: Regarding the Span (D'ni unit of length)

“Create a pendulum with a period of 5 prorahn. Double the pendulum's length and you get 5 spans.”

1 span = 4.82 metres / ~15.8 feet

Say you're standing on a desert island with a watch...

Calculating D'ni time with a pythagorean right-angle/45-degree triangle. 10 surface seconds on the shorter sides equals 10 prorahntee on the hypotenuse

Say you're standing by some cliffs with a watch...

Calculating D'ni distance with gravity. A rock falling for 5 surface seconds falls for 10 spans

The raw numbers

1 prorahn = 1.3928574 seconds

2 prorahn = 2.7857148 seconds

3 prorahn = 4.1785722 seconds

4 prorahn = 5.5714296 seconds

5 prorahn = 6.9642869 seconds

23 prorahn = 32.0357199 seconds

24 prorahn = 33.4285773 seconds

25 prorahn = 34.8214347 seconds

26 prorahn = 36.2142921 seconds

27 prorahn = 37.6071495 seconds

28 prorahn = 39.0000068 seconds

Original D'ni digital clock designs Original D'ni digital clock circuit board
Old D'ni clock files dated October 2001
Original D'ni digital clock designs Original D'ni digital clock circuit board

So what could YOU build?

  • Dive in and try
  • Failures and mistakes are important
  • Incorporate them!
  • Divide and conquer your tasks
  • Never give up! Never surrender!